Bitmanagement creates and visualizes interactive 3D Model for Exxon Mobil campaign
Energy transition in Germany forces Natural Gas exploration also on local grounds. / 3D Model showing Natural Gas Drilling Rigs supports the dialog of Exxon Mobil / Civil participation in major projects is growing persistency / Importance of German Natural Gas is growing / 14 percent of the energy requirement in Germany is already covered by Natural Gas today
In the energy-branch, the German pullout from atomic energy has intensified the search for alternative sources of energy and their development. A result is the strengthened exploration also of new sources of natural Gas. The American oil and gas corporation Exxon Mobil also relies on natural gas from Germany. Thus, natural gas drilling rigs are currently being developed at multiple locations in Germany, which however are not to be built without the public participation. Exxon is therefore involving the interested parties from water companies, local municipalities and organisations in its activities form the beginning, having conversations with district, county and community representatives, offering open houses in their facilities and also informs about process details about natural gas drilling. These more frequently used sources of information about major projects with public participation include interactive, three dimensional Models. With their help, building projects allow to be simulated and can reveal possible consequences on landscape and environment before the first ground-breaking ceremony takes place.
A corresponding Model was now developed by 3D Software developer Bitmanagement Software GmbH in Upper Bavarian Berg close to Lake Starnberg. It shows a planned natural gas drilling rig, the way it is supposed to be presented to the public virtually. In the course of the various public approval processes, interested citizens who live in an affected area as well as environmental organizations can look into the building project virtually. At that, this model offers a variety of advantages.
Such a model also allows for different planning alternatives, which can result from dialog with citizens, to be implemented in the model and presented in real-time. With this, those interested need not be present at the presentation ceremonies, as the models are in general online capable and can be downloaded to standard PCs to be visualized interactively. The modern Viewer Technology from Bitmanagement, which has been under world-wide use by the name “BS Contact” for a decade, furthermore makes sure that the models are displayed as realistically and lifelike as possible on the screen of the viewer.
Visualized 3D models are increasingly viewed as mostly money saving. The citizen feels included into the decision making process, is able to deal with the planning online from his computer at home and can usually make a decision more quickly. Major projects find approval rather easily due to factual dispute. This shortens the planning process with the result that project costs can remain within the budget and time limits can be met.
i.A. Norbert Böcker
Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Oberlandstrasse 26, D-82335 Berg
Tel.: 08151-97170-8
Mobile: 0171-3337719
About Bitmanagement Software GmbH
Bitmanagement is a provider of multimedia software with a focus on online interactive 3D visualization. The multimedia technology for 2D/3D, audio and video is real-time and Internet-ready. Based on the ISOstandard formats VRML/X3D, CityGML and COLLADA, and Java, it allows an Interactive visualization of concepts and products.
Bitmanagement develops and markets a product portfolio of visualization software, which is composed of visualization software (BS Contact VRML / X3D, MPEG-4, Geo, Stereo and Mobile), documentation (BS SDK Package) for animation and different programming tools up to Workflow optimization such as BS Encrypt.
Besides software development the company specializes on content production. The focus is here on creation of interactive online capable 3D models - mainly high resolution city models – based on a cost efficient offshore team of 3D artists.
Bitmanagement was founded in 2002 by three former employees of the Blaxxun Interactive AG, Munich. The company achieved sales growth and positive results in 2011 and is "cash flow positive" since its founding.
Bitmanagement is a board member of the "Web3D Consortium" (USA), which is responsible for the standardization and dissemination of 3D ISO standards for the Internet. Bitmanagement is also simultaneously a member of the" 3D Consortium "for the dissemination of stereoscopic visualization.
More information at: http://www.bitmanagement.com
Company Profile at: http://www.bitmanagement.de/en/company/profile
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